Friday, May 21, 2010

staying present (childrens poem)

I try to pay attention to all that I do
Whether crossing the street or just tying my shoe
If I'm making my bed or climbing the stairs
I try to be mindful, I try to be aware.
I want to stay present but my thoughts start to drift
At times I can be focused
I guess it comes in shifts.
Its important to be aware of each moment
Since that is all that is really real
Its good to pay attention
To exactly how I feel.
Whatever the feeling
I want to notice how it goes
Are there butterflies in my stomach?
Or an itching on my nose?
Am I feeling very joyful or grumpy at this time?
Am I starting to get restless or am I feeling very fine?
Sometimes my mind starts racing about what is going to happen next
I'll start to get all anxious
Or I'll start to get perplexed
But then I'll remind myself to stay in the present time
Then I will remind myself that everything is fine
Whatever bad thing that can happen,
that's not happening here
It isn't taking place
Its just something that I fear.
Then I feel much better and can get back to doing what I do
Whether its crossing the street of just tying my shoe.

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