Wednesday, May 5, 2010

childrens poem

On the ground,
Shovel in hand,
I dug a hole,
Deep into the land,

And placed inside some seeds so small,
In hopes to grow a tree so tall,

I planted the seeds,
about 5 maybe 6,
Then covered them up,
With some dirt and some sticks.

I went back the next day,
But nothing was there,
The earth looked so barren,
The earth looked so bare.

I didn't understand it,
Where was the tree?
If it was there,
I sure could not see.

I had to find out,
I needed to understand,
Was something wrong with the seeds?
Something wrong with the land?

I kept looking and waiting,
But I still just saw earth,
I kept looking and waiting,
For the seeds to give birth.

Finally I decided,
It was time that I leave,
As I started to go,
I ran into Steve.

Steve is my friend,
I've known him for years,
He'd been there for the good times,
There for the tears.

"Whats the matter?" he asked "you look so upset."
I told him my tree, it hadn't grown yet.

"Well that's disappointing,
I don't know what to say.
When did you plant it?"
"Just yesterday."

"Yesterday!?? Yesterday!?!?" he started to smile
"Things of this magnitude, they do take a while."

"Well I gave it some water and made sure to take care,
but when I went back to check it still wasn't there."

He paused for a moment then proceeded to say,
"You must have patience its been but a day!"

"Steve don't you get it?
There isn't a tree!!
I don't know what went wrong,
I don't know if its me.

"Relax and just trust it,
Just let it be,
I promise its growing,
You just wait and see.

The seeds are still opening,
They need to grow roots,
And then they'll be stronger
And turn into shoots.

It will come above ground when its good and its ready,
It will build a strong base that will help it keep steady.

It will grow beautiful branches,
On which birds can nest,
You just need to be patient,
You need not be stressed."

It started to make sense,
He began to seem right,
I guess that a tree doesn't grow overnight.

Sometimes great things take a while to achieve,
Especially BIG things that are hard to conceive.

So I took Steve's advice,
And trusted it would grow,
I knew it could happen,
It just might be slow.

After a while
Lo and behold!
It seemed that a baby tree did unfold!

Amazing!! A miracle!!
It just took some time,
I couldn't believe it,
Before me a pine.

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